Cloudpickle, serializing functions and monkey patching

I’ve been using cloudpickle in the internals of taskloaf for a while since it allows serializing almost all functions and objects. That’s really nice since it means I can pass arbitrary functions (tasks, jobs) from one worker to another across the network.

Yesterday, I was curious about the internals of cloudpickle and whether a monkey-patched object would remain patched after being loaded remotely. I read a bit of the source, but figured just trying it was a good idea.

I create a silly, meaningless class and then an instance of that class.

# Create a silly class and an object
class Turkey:
    def hi(self):
        return "hello"
t = Turkey()

Then, I monkey patch the hi method to return 1 instead of 2. types.MethodType turns a free-standing function into a method that automatically receives the self parameter.

import types
def hi2(self):
    return "SQUAWK"
t.hi = types.MethodType(hi2, t)

First, I’ll try pickle. I dump the turkey to a binary blob and reload it.

import pickle
blob = pickle.dumps(t)
t2 = pickle.loads(blob)

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)

<ipython-input-3-21cb01513bb4> in <module>()
      1 import pickle
      2 blob = pickle.dumps(t)
----> 3 t2 = pickle.loads(blob)
      4 print(t2)

AttributeError: 'Turkey' object has no attribute 'hi2'

pickle serialize a reference to the the type of the object and then expects that type to provide all the member functions needed. So, it’s not able to handle this monkey patching situation.

Next, I’ll try cloudpickle!

import cloudpickle
t2 = cloudpickle.loads(cloudpickle.dumps(t))
print(t is t2)

Does the hi method remain changed? YES! Thank you, cloudpickle.


Ultimately, this makes a lot of sense. cloudpickle just investigates the members of an object (its __dict__) and serializes those. It doesn’t need to serialize anything about the generic Turkey class. The key difference with pickle is that cloudpickle has the capability to serialize functions and so it can directly serialize members of the object without reference to its type.

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